Wednesday 15 August 2012

Why Use A Dog Safety Harness?

Why Use A Dog Safety Harness?
We should always be prepared for the unexpected when taking our dogs on a car journey, and that means that we should buckle them up, just the same as we would do ourselves and our children.  It might not be the law in the UK to do so, and only 2% of dog owners in the UK currently use harnesses, but it could save lives.  Every year many dogs and their owners are injured, or killed as a result of car accidents, when they are thrown forward unrestrained. 
Safety Harnesses can:
Avoid the driver being distracted by the dog whilst driving
Ensure your dog is safe from harm if he becomes distressed as a result of an accident and manages to escape the car.  This could lead to your dog injuring himself more, or worse if the distress of the accident makes him escape the car and run into oncoming traffic.
Avoid injury or death to your dog, the driver and any passengers as the result of a collision if your unrestrained dog is thrown forward with the impact.
Scot-Petshop sells a wide variety of harnesses and restraints for travelling:

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